11 km | 500 m
light +

Climbing Mt. Apakekar

The first flowers of the Armenian Switzerland and traditional gata with walnuts

Climbing Mt. Apakekar

The first flowers of the Armenian Switzerland and traditional gata with walnuts
11 km | 500 m
light +
Mount Apakekar is located in the Dilijan National Park between the villages of Ovk and Agartsin. With a height of 1651 meters, hiking to its summit is relatively easy and suitable even for novice mountain enthusiasts. The slopes of the mountain are covered with forest, but a convenient trail leads to the top, offering a stunning view of the rocky walls of the Ijevan Mountains and the Agstev River valley.

Next Sunday, we are going to Tavush to see the spring flowers, walk along picturesque trails, climb Mount Apakekar, see the famous Dimats, taste delicious gata, and breathe in the pure mountain air of the Armenian Switzerland!
Why should I go on this hike
A stroll along a picturesque mountain trail.
Eagles soaring in the sky and a view of Mt. Dimats.
Climbing Mt. Apakekar and lunch at the summit with a view of the towering cliffs of the Ijevan Mountains and the Agstev River valley.
A charming waterfall and spring streams.
Ancient Armenian khachkars along the trail.
Delicious Armenian coffee and freshest gata.
A small lake at the foot of the mountain.
The first spring flowers that appear at this time of year.
A delicious dinner with hot kharcho, homemade pastries, coffee, and tea.
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