Tired of work and life's stresses? Or just looking for adventures and new experiences? This is the sign! Let us be of help.

We Hike [Armenia] was established to provide high quality hikes in Armenian Highlands. Through the combination of our passions such as hiking, exploring and being one with nature, we came up with the idea of sharing our amazing stories by bringing you personally to the most interesting trails that we have explored.

We organize hikes that will take you to an adventure where you can personally discover, enjoy and experience the wonders of Armenia, its history, culture and beautiful terrains while ensuring your safety and comfort.

Come out and hit the trails with us. We are out hiking every weekend, rain or shine! Many of our routes are easy and suitable for beginners, but there are some that will not be boring even for experienced hikers.

Join our hikes and you will see the real beauty of Armenia!
About Us
Tired of work and life's stresses? Or just looking for adventures and new experiences? This is the sign! Let us be of help.

We Hike [Armenia] was established to provide high quality hikes in Armenian Highlands. Through the combination of our passions such as hiking, exploring and being one with nature, we came up with the idea of sharing our amazing stories by bringing you personally to the most interesting trails that we have explored.

We organize hikes that will take you to an adventure where you can personally discover, enjoy and experience the wonders of Armenia, its history, culture and beautiful terrains while ensuring your safety and comfort.

Come out and hit the trails with us. We are out hiking every weekend, rain or shine! Many of our routes are easy and suitable for beginners, but there are some that will not be boring even for experienced hikers.

Join our hikes and you will see the real beauty of Armenia!
About Us
Our Team
  • Ivan
    Experienced guide-instructor. Led more than 200 hikes in Armenia and beyond. Knows 5 languages and can easily communicate with any tourist.
  • Mikhail
    Loves mountains and travel. Compassionate guide and excellent organizer, always ready to help and cheer. He also plays the guitar, cooks deliciously, and knows almost everything about the history of Armenia.
  • Bernie
    Team mascot
    Bernie is the youngest and most active member of our team. Despite her young age, she has already visited many summits and even conquered a mountain over 4000 meters high!
Why us?
  • Comfortable with us
    • We will teach you how to use trekking poles correctly.
    • We go at your pace.
    • We will help you choose a route comfortable for you and suitable clothing.
    • We always maintain a good atmosphere within the team.
    • Our guides are always there to assist you.
  • Delicious with us.
    • We provide you with a lunch pack for a meal during the hike.
    • We bring tea and trail snacks for light snacks during breaks.
    • We prepare hot coffee at the summit.
    • At the end of the hike, we organize dinner with hot soup, assorted cheese, bread basket, fruits, desserts, and hot drinks.
    • We take into account your dietary preferences, and upon request, we can prepare vegetarian food.
  • Safe with us.
    • All our guides have many years of experience in mountain hiking.
    • If necessary, our guides can provide first aid.
  • Interesting with us.

    • We carefully select hiking routes to ensure you enjoy them.
    • Non-standard journeys await you to unique locations.
    • During the hike, we will see all the interesting sights along the route and share stories from our own journeys with you.
  • Comfortable with us.
    • We will teach you how to use trekking poles correctly.
    • We go at your pace.
    • We will help you choose a route comfortable for you and suitable clothing.
    • We always maintain a good atmosphere within the team.
    • Our guides are always there to assist you.
  • Delicious with us.
    • We provide you with a lunch pack for a meal during the hike.
    • We bring tea and trail snacks for light snacks during breaks.
    • We prepare hot coffee at the summit.
    • At the end of the hike, we organize dinner with hot soup, assorted cheese, bread basket, fruits, desserts, and hot drinks.
    • We take into account your dietary preferences, and upon request, we can prepare vegetarian food.
  • Safe with us.
    • All our guides have many years of experience in mountain hiking.
    • If necessary, our guides can provide first aid.
  • Interesting with us.

    • We carefully select hiking routes to ensure you enjoy them.
    • Non-standard journeys await you to unique locations.
    • During the hike, we will see all the interesting sights along the route and share stories from our own journeys with you.
Our Contacts
+374 44 301076
If you need help with bookings
and choosing the perfect hikes for you,
feel free to write and call us.
Follow us on social media